Make a Gift to Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Make a difference before Dec. 31!

Your tax-deductible, year-end contribution to Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $50,000. Every dollar will go directly to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research that will lead to new discoveries, better treatments, and cures.

The Matching Gift ends December 31. So, please give today to make 2X the impact for people fighting cancer this holiday season.

Accelerate breakthroughs.

Breakthroughs, such as the new Retzius-sparing robotic prostatectomy for men with prostate cancer.

This advanced technique removes the prostate by way of an alternate route, preserving attachments to the bladder and urethra that may play a key role in continence preservation and improved quality of life.

“The big advantage is that these patients become continent much earlier, sometimes immediately,” says Georgetown Lombardi member Dr. Keith Kowalczyk, director, Urologic Oncology at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. “I can really confidently tell my patients now that this should not be a problem. They’ve just been doing astonishingly well.”

Care for the whole person.

Guided by the principle of cura personalis – care for the whole person, Georgetown Lombardi links scientific discovery, expert and compassionate patient care, and quality education and partnership with the community.

“You go through all sorts of mental gymnastics when you’re confronted with cancer. My main concern was the ability to get back to normal. I didn’t really have any major issues. And I can vouch for everyone here — everyone has always demonstrated care for the whole person. It is evident in my encounter and my family’s encounter,” says Sean Hawkins, prostate cancer patient.

If you itemize, the CARES Act may allow you to receive a federal income tax deduction for cash charitable contributions of up to 100% of your adjusted gross income for gifts made this calendar year. Please make your most generous gift today. Thank you!

About Georgetown Lombardi

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center seeks to prevent, treat, and cure cancers by linking scientific discovery, expert and compassionate patient care, quality education, and partnership with the community — guided by the principle of cura personalis, “care for the whole person.” Georgetown Lombardi is the research engine driving clinical cancer research at MedStar Health in the Washington D.C. metro area. #EndingCancerStartsHere

Additional Ways to Give

  • Make a gift by phone at (202) 687-1690.
  • If you have questions about giving, email us at
  • To learn about the many creative ways to support Georgetown Lombardi, visit our How to Give webpage.