Join the Fight Against Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases
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The Power of Your Support
At Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, we are in a relentless battle – a fight to uncover groundbreaking discoveries, develop better cancer treatments, and ultimately save lives. We need your help to maintain this momentum. Please consider sending a generous gift today.
You’re invited to join our 2024 Research Fund Drive to continue advancing our research.
Our goal is to raise $50,000 by October 31. Your generous gift will support promising research for numerous diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, making a life-changing impact.


3D Breast Imaging
This cutting-edge screening modality has become the preferred method over conventional digital mammography. However, does it actually improve detection and survival rates of life-threatening breast cancers? Our researchers are exploring this question through a large-scale, randomized clinical trial in partnership with MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.
Mammogram Screening
Since 2009, the standard has been for women in their forties to make individualized decisions about when to start screening based on their health history and preferences, starting no later than age 50. However, a new study co-authored by Georgetown Lombardi researcher Jeanne S. Mandelblatt, M.D., shows that beginning breast cancer screening every two years at age 40 could reduce breast cancer mortality by 30%, while minimizing false positives.
Diversity in Clinical Trials
At Georgetown Lombardi, we believe diversity in clinical trials is essential for effective cancer treatment. Our commitment to inclusivity ensures that our research benefits all populations, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. By involving a diverse group of participants, we can better understand how different groups respond to various treatments and tailor our approaches to meet their unique needs.

“It’s important to conduct these trials in a way that includes people from all backgrounds,” says Dr. Song. “Our diverse population allows us to gather more comprehensive data, leading to more effective and personalized treatments.”
Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of only 57 research and treatment facilities nationwide that have qualified as a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, leading the world in innovative cancer research. However, our groundbreaking studies cannot be fully supported by government funds alone.
With your support, we will achieve the next significant breakthrough in breast cancer treatment and other cancers, offering hope and saving lives in the Washington, DC metro area and beyond.

Big Breakthroughs Are Within Reach

Stay in the fight to save lives today.