Georgetown Law Impact Report Spring 2020

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do to support Georgetown Law this year. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges and hurdles for everyone at the Law Center, but especially for our students. Which is why I am incredibly heartened, and frankly Iā€™m not surprised, to see how our alumni community has acted so decisively to help our students.

In response to this crisis, you have supported students financially, contributing to both our student emergency and financial aid funds. You volunteered to be professional resources for students, connecting with them on Hoya Gateway for informational interviews, resume reviews, and more. During this period of uncertainty, you illustrated our ethos by truly being women and men in service to others. And for that I thank you.

Alumni support did not begin to materialize in March, however. Before the threat of COVID-19 changed our lives, your collective generosity had the Annual Fund on pace for an exceptionally strong year. And the stronger the Annual Fund is, the better we can meet the financial aid needs of our students, which is now more important than ever.

Please review this digital report, which highlights the importance of alumni philanthropy. Thank you again for your support throughout this year. Our community is strong, and I have never been as grateful for that as I am today.

Please stay healthy and safe,

William M. Treanor
Dean and Executive Vice President
Paul Regis Dean Leadership Chair

With Gratitude

I was not someone who knew that they were going to be a lawyer from age ten; my interests were more scientific. But while majoring in Physics and Astrophysics at Pomona College, I chaired the schoolā€™s judicial and disciplinary system and fell in love with the law. My desire to find a place where I could combine both passions led me to Georgetown Law.

The number of courses and faculty at Georgetown Law dedicated to the intersection of law and technology is beyond impressive. Leaders in the field call this institution home, and the opportunity to learn from them is an unmatched experience. When I considered the strength of the Law Centerā€™s academic offerings and its ideal locationā€”near the Patent Office, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and a multitude of other prominent institutionsā€”it was clear that Georgetown Law was the place for me.

Without alumni philanthropy, however, I am not sure what would have happened. Thanks to your generosity, I received the financial aid and scholarship assistance that made my Georgetown Law experience possible. Your support made my selection as a Technology Law & Policy Scholar possible. It made my service as a RISE Teaching Fellow and as Managing Editor of The Georgetown Law Journal possible. It made my membership of the First-Generation Student Union and the Student Intellectual Property Law Association possible. And it will make my future possible.

Thank you for the opportunities that your generosity has created and for being a model for current students and future alumni to follow.


Adam Mitchell (Lā€™21)

Why I Give…

Supporting Georgetown Law is an important part of the lives of many of our donors. Here is what three Hoyas have to say about the importance of philanthropy.

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