Lives Well Lived honors a few alumni who have recently passed away with short obituaries. We share with you these portraits of alumni beyond the headlines who have made an…
The journey to Jesuit priesthood—called formation—is not for the faint of heart. From the first days of the novitiate to final vows, the process requires years of arduous academic study,…
Rookie bobsledder Chris Kinney (C'11) was at the starting line for his first Olympic run at last year's Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, Korea, when a chant of “Hoya Saxa!” pierced…
Every three months, Dr. Christina Hanna (F'08, M'14) packs her bags and travels from Philadelphia to Butaro, Rwanda, where she treats young cancer patients.
Here's a piece of advice from the Forbes magazine Coaches Council, published last summer: Recruit for “learnability,” wrote one expert coach. “With changes in organizational structures that require agility, collaboration, and communication,…
At age 33, Maria Gomez (N'77) with a group of idealistic friends opened Mary's Center in a D.C. basement to offer prenatal care for women migrants. Thirty years later, they…
When Dr. Ayaz Virji (C'96, M'00) and his family moved to rural Minnesota, they were the only Muslims in their community. Things went well until the election of Donald Trump. Somewhat reluctantly,…
In fall 2018, Shavini Fernando (G'18) swept two Georgetown entrepreneurship pitch competitions, won four awards, and earned a total of $40,500 for her invention of OxiWear, a wearable tech device…
Local Vienna, Virginia Artist Backgruond From Ashes2Art: First Responders 9/11 Art Show, published on the American Art Therapy Association website: The Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department’s…
Author, Speaker, and Syndicated Columnist for Catholic News Service How did you find your path to writing? After graduating from Georgetown, I obtained my Master of Fine Arts in Theater…